Marion Riedel
Behavioral intervention improves treatment outcomes among HIV-infected individuals who have delayed, declined, or discontinued antiretroviral therapy: a randomized controlled trial of a novel intervention
ACT2 peer-driven intervention increases enrollment into HIV/AIDS medical studies among African Americans/Blacks and Hispanics: A cluster randomized controlled trial
HIV-infected individuals who delay, decline, or discontinue antiretroviral therapy: comparing clinic-and peer-recruited cohorts
Predictors of screening for AIDS clinical trials among African-Americans and Latino/Hispanics enrolled in an efficacious peer-driven intervention: uncovering socio-demographic, health, and substance use-related factors that promote or impede screening
The effect of peer-driven intervention on rates of screening for AIDS clinical trials among African Americans and Hispanics
An exploratory behavioral intervention trial to improve rates of screening for AIDS clinical trials among racial/ethnic minority and female persons living with HIV/AIDS
Increasing and supporting the participation of persons of color living with HIV/AIDS in AIDS clinical trials
Behavioral interventions for HIV infected and uninfected mothers with problem drinking